But have to shout: "WOW"! I put these babies (the 30X) on a week ago and have never stopped being impressed!! I took them out on the Tuesday Noon Ride and I rode solo to catch up (I had a mechanical with my cleat). These wheels made it easy to solo at 23 mph over rollers! And, the stiffness made for a jumpin' sprint!! (Of course, Rich & Larry gave me a great lead-out!!)
Today, the Palomares test, which made climbing a little easier (I was generally taking a moderate approach). But, perhaps the biggest test: I hit a bot-dot at 50+ mph on the CV decent, pinch-flatted a few seconds later, and relatively made it look easy staying upright! After fixing the flat and examining the wheel, guess what?! -- the wheel did not go out of tru!!
These wheels whisper through the wind and slice through cross-winds like a Samarai katana through the belly of its opposition! Those hybrid ceramic bearings are supa-sweet! I think I might get me another pair!! (Gotta sell some other stuff on eBay first.)
See ya out on the ride Saturday!!
Dave Douglas