Our home boy Chris Jones won the UCI Elite race. Chris, Cass (his wife) and I had a good time kicken it Burbank style.
Our sponsored athlete Rachael Lloyd DOMINATED the womens race from the first turn!

Race promoter Dot Wong and the CICLE ladies prior to the UCI womens race. 38mm tubies for Dot.

Young Gun Chance Noble with me before the UCI mens race. I enjoyed watching Chance race. He can really get on a big gear which is what a cross rider needs to do to fly over the bumps. Chance earned a well deserved 3rd. 38mm tubies

Justin Robinson, me and Jeremy Ferguson after the race.

Me and Rachael Lloyd before the Start of the womens race. 38mm tubies

Dot Wond at the top the climb. Notice the 38mm tubies.

Rachael at the top of the climb flying away from the chase group. 38mm tubies

Hey, how did this get in here! Jango Fett (Brenny) Yoda (Aiden) and James Bond (Davis) prior to trick or treat.