Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's On!

Operation Interbike was a resounding success. We spent three full days (no sleeping allowed in Vegas) learning about the newest technology, meeting with suppliers, brainstorming super secret new projects and high fiving cycling celebrities. We managed to finely hone our plans for the future and we had a darn good time doing it.

For those of you who have never been to Interbike, imagine going to a cycling decathlon that had events for road, tri, TT, mountain bike, commuters and every other two wheeled contraption. Now picture that event being held in a football stadium and everybody from the stands storming the field. That is Interbike. It is a crazy hodgepodge of everything bike related from the biggest brands to the smallest garage inventors with thousands and thousands of gawkers thrown in the mix. When I say you can find anything, I mean it. Josh even found the future of helmet technology:

Now, we did a ton of work while we were in Vegas. We perused all kinds of cutting edge technology, had long meetings, and spent hours and hours focusing our plans for a record breaking 2012 season. But who wants to see photos of meetings? Not me. So instead I thought I'd post a few pics of the in between times, those wonderful interludes between business deals that make Interbike so cool.

First up: Crossvegas. This is the kickoff event to the world cyclocross calendar, and as such it draws some amazing talent from all over the globe. It's a treat to watch the best riders in the world smash each other up under the lights, and the atmosphere is electric!

We even had time to enjoy an adult beverage during the race. There's an industry race before the main event and you're likely to see these three gents wobbling around it next year.

You would not believe who we ran into in front of the hotel! The King himself, Mr. Elvis Presley. That guy is pretty frisky for 76.
 We saw some great racing, cool new products and famous celebs, but the highlight of the trip had to be the Team Exergy 2012 Launch Party, hosted at the lush Marquee Nightclub in the brand new Cosmopolitan Hotel. Ryan did his best to eat his weight in Kobe beef sliders, and we all availed ourselves of the open bar, but the only person truly prepared to get the most out of the evening was Josh "Dr. J" Geiszler. Baby blue shirt, euro boots, stunna shades and cosmo in hand this man did the company proud by absolutely lighting the dance floor on fire. Not even highly conditioned pro athletes could keep up.
It was fun to celebrate a successful season and a good partnership with Team Exergy. They've proven Williams wheels can perform at the highest levels of cycling and carry riders to victory along the way. 

We're back in Stockton now, with our noses to the grindstone and our eyes on the prize. We have plans to take Williams Cycling to the next level and the new tech we drop on you over the next few months is going to blow you away. So stay tuned...